Hyper-Efficient Portfolio Trading and Rebalancing at Scale
Fully integrated into the d1g1t enterprise wealth management platform, the d1g1t Trading solution enables advisors to dramatically lower the costs of implementing and tracking complex investment strategies. Firms can conduct single and bulk trading operations hyper-efficiently and rebalance portfolios using intuitive workflows.
Rebalance Portfolios in Minutes
Using the Separately Managed Account (SMA) or Unified Managed Accounts (UMA) framework, firms can implement complex investment strategies in a single custodian account and optimize portfolio management or they can create multiple sleeves within a single custodian account and associate a model portfolio (SMA model) with each sleeve.

Automate Trading Workflows
The following trading workflows are supported:
- Portfolio Rebalancing (Rebalance All or Outside Bounds)
- Rebalance Models (or Sub-Models)
- Rebalance Securities
- Cash Management (Raise or Deploy Cash)
- Bulk Security Switches
- Liquidate Portfolios
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Streamline Rebalancing with Trading Configurations
A framework to support client-specific needs and constraints enables firms to seamlessly rebalance at scale.
Execute Trades via FIX Protocols
Submit trades through a FIX network for real-time trade execution and allocation across multiple brokers.
Execute Trades and Rebalance Quickly with Accuracy
Enjoy the flexibility of implementing complex investment strategies and optimizing portfolio management at scale.